
芙蓉中华中学创校于 1913 年,至今已迈入第 111 个年头。今年,适逢芙中创校 111 周年,董家校筹办此义卖嘉年华会, 主要目的为筹募全校学生的活动基金,以减轻学校的财务负担。其次是凝聚及动员华社的力量,共同来建设华文教育及发扬中华文化。

本校订于 2024 年 7 月 14 日(星期日)上午 8 时至下午 1 时,在本校篮球场举办芙中 111 义卖会。我们诚挚邀请您一起来参与此项有意义的活动, 奉献您的爱心并协助本校结合更多的社會资源,集聚大众力量,发挥爱护华教的精神来推广义卖嘉年华活动。


Chung Hua High School, Seremban was founded in the year of 1913 and will be celebrating its 111th anniversary this year. The school organises our annual school carnival to raise funds for the school activities as a mean to alleviate the financial burden of the school.

This year’s carnival will be held on 14 July 2024 (Sunday) from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. We cordially invite you to participate in this meaningful activity, and help us tap more resources from the society and get the cooperation of the public so that we can continue to preserve the spirit of Chinese education. With your assistance and contribution in promoting the carnival, we are confident that it will surely be a success!

有意支持芙中第111周年校庆义卖会的你们,欢迎联络: 筹委会主席兼家长会主席柯苠川012-3663963、刘秀美 (餐馆组主任) 012-2265558、 郑秀君(筹委会副总协调) 012-6778249、芙蓉中华中学 06-7612782、张叶芝(票务) 144 分线、卢玉美(物资) 134分线/012-2373573、陈佩珊(摊位) 143分线/012-6732782。