
2024年8月10日芙中太空课程正式启动!作为马来西亚首间开设太空课程的学校,我们荣幸地邀请了美国休斯顿太空与科学教育协会(HASSE)和 NASA 的专家为师生授课。通过这个课程,师生将深入了解太空科学领域,期待未来芙中能成为马来西亚太空科学的先锋力量!

On August 10, 2024, Chung Hua High School Seremban made history as the first school in Malaysia to launch a space science program in collaboration with the Houston Association for Space and Science Education (HASSE) and NASA. The program is designed to engage students with learning modules on various aspects of space technology, developed and taught by current and former NASA astronauts and scientists.

The program is structured in three stages: starting with virtual learning, progressing to hands-on activities, and culminating in opportunities to meet NASA professionals, with a potential visit to NASA’s Space Center in Houston, Texas. This ensures students will gain both theoretical knowledge and practical experience in space science.

During the launch, a NASA space educator delivered the first lesson on “Life in the International Space Station (ISS).” The session sparked student curiosity and engagement, then ended with an insightful Q&A session. The principal, Dr. Sua Sin Zang and HASSE founder and CEO, Dr. James Liu, team members Mr. Peter Lee and Ms. Sharry Chao thanked all participants and encouraged students to continue striving for ambitious goals in life.

See you again in the next lesson happening in September!